I'm looking for Cently reviews, where are they?
If you'd like to see what people have to say about Cently, please visit the Reviews section of our Chrome Web Store page. At the time of this writing, the extension has a 5-star rating with nearly 10,000 user reviews.
Not finding any reviews for Cently on Google? Well that's because we re-branded pretty from Coupons at Checkout to Cently. We've been working on our Chrome extension for a while now, and have shifted to a personal shopping companion beyond just coupons.
Coupons at Checkout was heavily covered by LifeHacker, CNET, Mashable, Good Housekeeping, Kim Komando, and many others!
If you're still keen to read media reviews before taking the plunge, check out just some of the press coverage for Coupons at Checkout / Cently here.