Cently Browser Add-On
- What is Cently? How Do I Install Cently?
- How Do I Use Cently? How Does It Save Me Money?
- Which web browsers does Cently support?
- Can I earn cashback with Cently?
- How Do I Activate Cashback?
- Can Cently save me money at Amazon too?
- How do I view my Rewards History and Settings?
- How do I run Cently again on a site?
- Can Cently show me a list of coupons for the website I’m shopping at?
- Should I trust 3rd Party Amazon Sellers?
- How can I tailor the Amazon Best Price results to fit my needs? What settings can I change?
- Cently is disabled on a shopping site I’m on. How can I reactivate it?
- How do I suggest a website for Cently to support?
- How can I add a new coupon code to Cently?
- How do I report if Cently isn't working on a website?
- I'm looking for Cently reviews, where are they?
- What if Cently isn’t working correctly on a certain shopping site?
- How do I uninstall Cently for Chrome?